
Toronto Criminal Defense Attorney: Things you need to know..


If you have been charged with a criminal offense in Toronto, there are two things you want to avoid: a conviction, n excessive legal fees. A conviction can seriously impact your ability to secure employment or travel in the future. And too much money spent on legal fees can deplete your life savings, leaving you financially unstable and unable to support yourself. You need to assign the case to a well-experienced lawyer who can help you with the situation.

Qualities of a criminal attorney

  • A successful Toronto criminal defense attorney must possess the following characteristics:
  • Ability to communicate effectively
  • Analytical and logical abilities
  • Persistence
  • Public speaking and leadership

Ability to make decisions

Day to day responsibilities of Toronto criminal defense attorneys is to understand the situation and act accordingly. Criminal trials are extremely delicate and require meticulous preparation. Every aspect regarding the client should be thoroughly researched, and every point should be noted. Being a competent lawyer requires patience, understanding, and organization.

What are the benefits of hiring a criminal defense attorney?

When someone is charged with a crime, the last thing they want to do is make hasty decisions. This is why it is critical to hire an experienced criminal defense attorney as soon as feasible. An attorney can assist you to understand your options, including whether you should plead guilty or not depending on the circumstances.

  • They are professionals in their industry
  • They can protect you from legal repercussions
  • They design outstanding criminal defense strategy, based on their experience.

How much does retaining a criminal defense lawyer in Toronto cost?

The average hourly rate for a criminal defense attorney is $75 to $750. Criminal lawyers in Toronto are increasingly using block fee charging. This would be useful to customers since it would disclose the costs of defense more clearly than the hourly charge structure. Factors like the complexity of the case, the need for a judicial trial, trial to be done in front of judges or the jury, the need of expert witnesses, chartered right violations will influence the cost of block fee defense.


When you’ve been charged with a crime, the last thing you want to do is make hasty decisions. This is why it is critical to hire an experienced criminal defense attorney as soon as feasible. An attorney can assist you to understand your options, including whether you should plead guilty or not depending on the circumstances.